So, day two in NaNoWriMo and my current word total is at 3141. I'm not done for the day, but definitely taking a break to do some reading, eat dinner and maybe catch an hour or so of television.
I'm at the early stage of chapter two and things are coming together rather nicely. While the story is written in third-person omniscient, I am mostly focusing on the character of Ryan Greene. Ryan used to be a travel writer, who spent his twenties making a living exploring remote, exotic countries. The more removed from urbanism, the better for Ryan. He's something of a survivalist, and has a degree in cultural anthropology and archeology. He is now the co-host of a television travel show that balances between the remote wonders of the world and their neighboring night life. His co-host is a nightmare. I've only known her for two days and I already hate her guts myself.
It occurred to me as I was writing the introductory scene of chapter two that Ryan hates the city. He's on his way to a network meeting in New York City's Time Square, which is where he'll be when the zombie outbreak takes place. What more awful place could you possibly be when zombies attack than a place that makes you want to break out in hives?
So, as the scene comes together, I keep asking myself if I'm going to be able to hold poor Ryan together. After all, he's going to be the one that has to lead everyone to safety in the end...
I am also intrigued by a secondary character that has sort of stepped into the spotlight. I'm anxious to see how the two characters come together, and can't wait to get them to that point. It should be fun.
WitchCrafting: Shell Rattle
16 hours ago
You're ahead of me. I only have 1833 words done, but who's counting?
I just knew when to stop when all of a sudden I didn't feel like writing it any more...for today.
Morgan Mandel
Don't ya just love when characters make decisions you don't expect? Like stepping up and saying ..."Excuse me, you don't know it yet, but I'm very important to your story." Kevin did that to me in Access. I didn't think he'd be more than a mention until the end.
Me again, Jenny Bean.
You're tagged!!
See my Tuesday post at
Morgan Mandel
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